Tuesday, July 30, 2024

जुलाई, पीएचडी और बीते हुये वो 14 साल....

अपने 36वें जन्मदिवस की पूर्व संध्या पर आज डॉक्टरेट ऑफ फिलोसोफी "पीएचडी" उपाधि प्राप्त होने की अधिसूचना प्राप्त हुई। माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी पत्रकारिता विश्वविद्यालय से एमएससी इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया के अध्ययन के अंतिम वर्ष में ही बतौर प्राध्यापक बनकर अपने करियर को दिशा देने का ख्याल मन में आया था जिसका पहला पायदान पीएचडी की डिग्री लेना ही था... लिहाजा उस दौर में मेरे लिये एक अति महत्त्वाकांक्षी कार्य पीएचडी करना ही था किंतु कालांतर में जीवन की अनेक घटना प्रघटनाओं के चलते अपनी ये आकांक्षा कुंद होती चली गई और जीवन एक अलग ही दिशा में गतिमान होते हुये अपने को गढ़ रहा था।

30 जुलाई 2024 को जब पीएचडी का ये नोटिफिकेशन प्राप्त हुआ तो बीते चौदह वर्ष मानो आंखों के सामने एक बार फिर घूम गये। फ्लैश बैक में जाने पर बचकाने सपने, करियर बुनने की जद्दोजेहद, महत्वाकांक्षाओं की बाढ़ और अदृश्य भविष्य की धुंधली तस्वीरों में खोया चित्त... सब कुछ मानो एक बार फिर सामने तैर गया। जुलाई का महीना यूं तो मेरे जन्म का माह होने से हमेशा ही अन्य महीनों की तुलना में कुछ खास रहा है लेकिन मेरी पीएचडी के विभिन्न चरणों के दरमियान भी जुलाई माह की तारीखें अहम् रही हैं लिहाजा 14 सालों के सफर में जुलाई की तारीखें अनायास ही याद आ जाती हैं।

पीएचडी का ये सफर 6 जुलाई 2010 को उस वक्त शुरु हुआ... जब माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी पत्रकारिता विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा पहली बार पीएचडी के एंट्रेंस टेस्ट की अधिसूचना जारी की गई। पीएचडी के लिये छह माह का कोर्स वर्क उस वक्त नया-नया ही इंट्रोड्यूस हुआ था लिहाजा पत्रकारिता के प्रतिष्ठित विश्वविद्यालय से पीएचडी करने के लिये संचार एवं पत्रकारिता में अध्ययन कर चुके सैंकड़ों युवा सपने पीएचडी करने को तैयार थे, उनमें ही एक 22 साल का लड़का जो हाल ही में अपनी मास्टर और एमफिर पूरी कर पीएचडी करने की बाट जोह रहा था। फिर क्या था 6 जुलाई 2010 को फॉर्म भरा गया और तभी से यूजीसी नेट के साथ साथ इस एंट्रेंस की तैयारी भी शुरु कर दी।

हालांकि, युवा अवस्था का ये वक्त बड़ा उलझनों भरा होता है जब एक अनजाने करियर को संवारने के लिये आप कोशिशों में लगे होते हैं तो दूसरी ओर इसी वक्त अतृप्त लिप्साएं, महत्वाकांक्षाओं का गुबार, अधीरता, मोहब्बत के जज़्बात और अन्य यौवनिक चपलताएं चित्त को गुमराह किये रहते हैं। फिर भी अपने सपने के पीछे दौड़ते हुये वो तारीख आई जब 9 जनवरी 2011 को इस पीएचडी का इंट्रेंस टेस्ट दिया। महज 22 साल 6 माह की उम्र में पीएचडी की राह में आगे बढ़ते हुये ख्यालों का परिंदा उड़कर उस दौर में पहुंच गया था कि लगने लगा मानो 25 या 26 वर्ष की उम्र में ही ये युवा अंकुर से, डॉ अंकुर हो जायेगा।

किंतु नियति को कुछ और ही मंजूर था... वक्त के साथ ये कोशिशें असफल होती चली गईं... कई विषमताएं जीवन में आती गईं, निराशाओं के भंवर मंडराने लगे और ऐसा दौर भी आया जब पीएचडी जो कभी पहली प्राथमिकता थी वो अब प्राथमिकता सूची में कहीं रही ही नहीं और दूसरी जिम्मेदारियों को पूरा करना अधिक जरुरी बन पड़ा। इक दौर ऐसा भी आया कि जब पीएचडी के प्रयास से सरेंडर ही कर देने का मन हुआ, पर रास्ते में कुछ जामवंत मिलते चले गये और इस हनुमान ने पीएचडी का ये समंदर पार कर ही लिया। इस उड़ान में ज़िगर मुरादाबादी का शेर कुछ बदले हुये अंदाज में यूँ याद आता रहा-

ये पीएचडी नहीं आसां, बस इतना समझ लीजिये।

कुछ अड़चनों का दरिया है, और 'सब्र' से जाना है।।

तो इक पैराग्राफ में इस सफर को बतायें तो ये कुछ यूं रहा कि 9 जनवरी 2011 को एंट्रेंस हुआ, 27 मार्च 2011 को एंट्रेंस का परिणाम आया, 12 नवंबर 2011 से कोर्स वर्क शुरु हुआ, जिसकी परीक्षा 24 जुलाई 2012 को हुई, फिर करीब 2-3 महीने बाद इस प्री-पीएचडी परीक्षा का परिणाम आया। फरवरी, 2013 में सिनोप्सिस जमा करी, 16 जुलाई 2013 को आरडीसी हुई लेकिन पता चला कि मेरी सिनोप्सिस कहीं मिसप्लेस होने से जमा ही नहीं हुई लिहाजा आरडीसी न हो सकी। सपनों की हवा कैसे निकलती है इसका अहसास बड़ा जोर से हुआ। अगली आरडीसी 12 फरवरी 2015 को हुई, एक बार फिर सिनोप्सिस को पीएचडी के लिये उपयुक्त नहीं पाया गया। फिर सिनोप्सिस का विषय परिवर्तित कर पुनः इसे जमा किया गया,  15 अक्टूबर 2016 को आरडीसी हुई किंतु एक बार फिर सिनोप्सिस को उपयुक्त नहीं पाया गया। करीब 6 साल और 3 आरडीसी की असफलताएं पर्याप्त थीं कि मैं ये ख्याल छोड़ दूं कि अब पीएचडी करना है। जबकि मेरे सहपाठी अनेक अभ्यर्थी इस दौर में अपनी पीएचडी थीसिस जमा करने के करीब पहुंच चुके थे।

इस गुजरे हुये वक्त में इस नाचीज़ ने ज़िंदगी के कई दौर देख लिये थे। मसलन, पीएचडी एंट्रेंस का रिजल्ट आने के 5 दिन बाद स्वास्थ्य कारणों से अस्पताल में भर्ती होना पड़ा, पता चला कि मामला गंभीर है... फिर 18 मई 2011 को रीनल ट्रांस्प्लांट जैसी बड़ी सर्जरी से गुजरा। रिकवरी के दौर में ही कोर्स वर्क पूरा किया। बतौर व्याख्याता एक मीडिया कॉलेज में अध्यापन किया। दिल भी टूटा। सिविल सर्विसेज की तैयारी की, कुछ परीक्षाएं उत्तीर्ण भी की। इसी दौर में फरवरी 2014 में प्रसार भारती की एक परीक्षा पास कर, 27 मार्च 2014 से दूरदर्शन समाचार भोपाल में  बतौर आलेख संपादक सेवा शुरु हुई, जो अब तक जारी है। 17 जनवरी 2015 को विवाह बंधन में बंधा, 24 अप्रैल 2018 को पहली बार पितृत्व के अहसास से गुजरा, और 26 फरवरी 2021 को एक बार फिर अपने जीवन में एक नन्ही परी का प्रवेश हुआ। अकदामिक स्तर पर बात करूं तो इस दौर में डिस्टेंस से अध्ययन करते हुये एजुकेशन, हिन्दी, फिलोसोफी से मास्टर डिग्री पूरी की, हिस्ट्री से एमए अब भी जारी है। बैकग्राउंड में पीएचडी भी चलती रही। 

जिसके रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिये अंततः आरडीसी 16 जुलाई 2018 को हुई थी और 30 जुलाई 2018 को रजिस्ट्रेशन की प्रक्रिया पूरी हुई थी। "दूरदर्शन और निजी समाचार चैनलों की विकासात्मक खबरों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन" विषय पर शोधकार्य की यहाँ से शुरुआत हुई। हर साल पीएचडी की छह माही प्रोग्रेस रिपोर्ट, वार्षिक प्रस्तुतिकरण, प्री-सब्मिशन जैसी प्रक्रियाओं को पूरा करते हुये और कोविड के दौर में हिचकोले खाता हुआ यह सफर आखिरकार 23 जुलाई 2024, सावन की दूज यानि हिन्दी तिथि अनुसार मेरे जन्मदिन पर पीएचडी के फाइनल वाइवा के साथ पूरा हुआ, जिस पर आखिरी मोहर 26 जुलाई 2024 को अधिसूचना जारी होने के साथ लगी और विश्वविद्यालय का यह उपहार मुझे अपने जन्मदिवस के ठीक एक दिन पहले प्राप्त हुआ। इस दौर में कई शोधपत्र लिखे, कई शोध संगोष्ठियों में प्रस्तुतियां दीं जिनमें वर्ष 2023 में युनिवर्सिटी ऑफ लंदन में प्रस्तुत किया गया शोधपत्र भी शामिल है। इन सबसे काफी कुछ सीखने, समझने और अनुभव करने को मिला।

इस सफर के सहयोगियों की बात करूं तो अनेक लोगों की वजह से ही ये मुकाम मुमकिन हो सका है। मुझे नहीं पता दूसरों के लिये पीएचडी कितनी आसान या कठिन होती है पर मेरे लिये ये जीवन का एक दौर ही था जिसे सतत् कोशिशों, सब्र, इंतजार, इम्तिहान, अनेक लोगों की प्रेरणा, सहयोग और मुकद्दर से हासिल कर पाया हूँ। मेरा पुरुषार्थ तो इसमें बस यही रहा कि गिव अप न कर इस प्रवाह में मैं बना रहा। विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति प्रो. के जी सुरेश सर, मेरे शोध के मार्गदर्शक डॉ संजीव गुप्ता सर, इलेक्ट्रानिक मीडिया विभाग के पूर्व विभागाध्यक्ष डॉ श्रीकांत सिंह सर, मेरे मित्र हुसैन ताबिश, चंदन सिंह, अर्जुन गोटेवाल, पंकज शर्मा, हितेश शुक्ला, पूजा मिश्रा सहित कई लोगों का प्रत्यक्ष परोक्ष सहयोग इस कार्य में रहा। साथ ही माता पिता, पत्नी, बच्चे, परिवार, अपने ऑफिस के सहकर्मी, अधिकारी आदि की प्रेरणा और सहयोग भी सतत् इस कार्य में आगे बढ़ाने वाला रहा। हर तरह से साथ के लिये इन सबके प्रति अत्यंत कृतज्ञता से ये दिल भरा हुआ है।

अपने इस शोध कार्य में यदि इंट्रेंस देने, कोर्स वर्क करने के समय से लेकर अब तक का काल इसमें जोड़ दूं तो 14 साल के बाद ये शोध प्रबंध सामने आया है। आखिर में अर्जित चर्चित बन पड़ता है पर असल में पग पग पर सीखी गई छोटी छोटी बातों से ही जीवन गढ़ता है। हर अर्जित ज्ञान अपने परम गंतव्य के पथ का पाथेय ही है इन पड़ावों में न अटक, मूल लक्ष्य को भेदने की दृष्टि प्रगाढ़ हो इसी भावना के साथ सबके सहयोग और शुभकामनाओं को विनम्रता से स्वीकारते हुए आभार जताता हूं।

वस्तुतः पीएचडी ने अनुसंधान की आंशिक समझ भर पैदा की है अन्वेषण का ये सफर तो सतत् अब भी जारी है... आत्मअनुसंधान के परम गंतव्य को पाकर ही, अंततः ये खोज पूरी हो सकती है और तब तक मैं शोधार्थी ही बना रहना चाहता हूँ।


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Namaste England : A Journey Through the Heart of England (Part II)

I had shared some memories of London with you in my previous blog. In this second blog of my England tour, I will mention some memories of my next stop which are especially related to the visits to Oxford and Birmingham, the historical places of Central England. On the morning of 18 March I left London Marlybone station by the Chiltern Railways for Banbury.

I had to catch the 10.45 am train to Banbury, I left Saurabh ji's house for London Marlybone station at around 9.45 am, but while trying to find the platform and find the right train, I missed my scheduled train.

I told my problem to the responsible officer present at the station and asked him for permission to board the next train on the same ticket, he smiled and allowed me. But I did not know that this is illegal, because we are required to travel only in the train for which we have a ticket. It was foolish of me that I took the officer's smile as his permission. I was lucky that there was no ticket checker in the train that day, otherwise I would have faced a hefty penalty.

After about one and a half to two hours, I reached Banbury, where my sister Swapnil and little niece Navya came to receive me. Banbury, like other towns in England, is a very peaceful, beautiful, clean and attractive town. Although the cities of England are much quieter and less crowded as compared to India' city, but in the villages or towns it seems as if a curfew has been imposed.

With Shashank, Swapnil & Navya
Banburry Known for its historic market town charm, Banbury offers a blend of old-world charm and modern amenities. It has iconic Banbury Cross, picturesque canals, and traditional markets. After having lunch and some rest, we went to Broughton Castle near Banbury in the evening after the arrival of my brother-in-law Shashank. The vast pastureland near Broughton Castle was extremely tranquil and attractive, especially to anyone arriving in England from the Indian subcontinent. where sheep, cows and other cattle could be seen grazing freely. This is one of my niece's favorite places in Banbury where she loves being amongst the innocent animals. 

In those days in the UK the sun set at around 9 PM o'clock. We returned from Broughton at around 7.30 PM, being very tired throughout the day, I fell into deep sleep after having dinner. In UK you have to walk a lot on foot, hence you get tired quite easily. Also, there is no noise of AC, cooler, fan or noise of vehicles in the residential colonies there, hence due to such peace and cold weather, sleep in England is easier. it was very relaxing.

Next day My next stop takes me to the illustrious city of Oxford, home to one of the world's most prestigious universities. Walking through the cobbled streets, we marvel at the stunning architecture of colleges like Christ Church, where echoes of scholarly debates and literary inspirations linger in the air.

The Bodleian Library beckons with its ancient manuscripts and literary treasures, inviting us to explore the worlds of knowledge contained within its walls. A stroll through the University Parks offers a serene escape, surrounded by verdant landscapes and the gentle flow of the River Cherwell.

Spending the day wandering the streets of Oxford and exploring this place surrounded by students and young minds from all over the world, we witnessed the vibrant heritage of education. Respect for knowledge is actually what makes cities like Oxford and Cambridge special in the world today and also reminds us of the glorious history of Nalanda and Takshashila. 

After roaming around in Oxford the whole day, reached Swapnil's house in Banbury in the evening. Feeling tired throughout the day and having mild fever, I soon fell asleep. The plan was to go to Birmingham the next day, but due to the condition after coming from Oxford, it seemed that perhaps the body would not allow me to travel anymore. 

But after about 10 hours of good sleep, the next day I was feeling quite refreshed. Swapnil had prepared a very tasty breakfast. After eating it and packing the food for the day, I, Swapnil and little Navya left for Birmingham. we arrive in Birmingham after around 2hrs journey, Birmingham a vibrant metropolis that embraces diversity and innovation. 

As I set foot in Birmingham, I was immediately captivated by the city's vibrant energy and rich history. My journey began at the heart of Birmingham, in Victoria Square, surrounded by impressive Victorian architecture and the iconic Council House. The square bustled with activity, showcasing the city's dynamic atmosphere.

One of my first stops was the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, a treasure trove of art, history, and culture. Walking through its halls, I marveled at Pre-Raphaelite paintings, ancient artifacts, and interactive exhibitions that brought Birmingham's past to life. The Library of Birmingham stands as a beacon of learning and culture, with its striking architecture and vast collection of books and resources.

No visit to Birmingham would be complete without exploring its famous canals. Strolling along the picturesque waterways, I admired the canal boats, historic buildings, and vibrant street art that adorned the canal paths. It was a tranquil escape from the bustling city streets. Before concluding my trip, I explored Birmingham's vibrant markets, including the Bull Ring Mall.

Reflecting on my time in Birmingham, I was struck by the city's ability to seamlessly blend its rich history with modern innovation. From its industrial heritage to its cultural diversity and culinary delights, Birmingham proved to be a captivating destination worthy of exploration.

 With Milap Bhai & Hetal Ben
From Birmingham we returned to Banbury by about 4 pm. On the same day at 8 pm, I had to leave for London from where I had a flight to Delhi via Istanbul the next day. After having dinner and getting some breakfast packed by Swapnil for the next day, I left for London and reached around 9.30 pm, I  was received by Hetal Ben and Milap Bhai at London Marylebone station and dropped me at Richa Di's house in Langley. In a strange country, small supports like this mean a lot and really make you feel at home even when you are outside the country.

with Richa di and Gaurav ji
On the morning of 21st April, at around 8.30 am, I left for Heathrow Airport from where I had to take a flight at 11.30 am. In the last nine days, many of the perceptions that the British had about this country have changed. The discipline, humility, etiquette and manners of this country inspire us to learn a lot. For a person flying with false ego or narcissism, global travel provides an opportunity to understand the vast world and many people. The love I received from my Indian friends and relative in London also remained intact in my heart...the kind of closeness they gave me in a foreign country is often not found around us.

In conclusion, our journey through London, Banbury, Oxford, and Birmingham has been a tapestry of experiences, weaving together history, culture, and modernity. Each destination has left an indelible mark on our hearts, inviting us to return and delve deeper into the stories they have to tell.

At istanbul

 Said goodbye to London with the hope of returning to this land someday again. On the way, we also got a chance to spend some time in Istanbul where the local culture could be seen at the airport. The bold style of the street artists of Istanbul was quite captivating. The flight landed in Delhi on the morning of 22nd April... You may travel anywhere in the world but returning to your country is always a relief. In this way, keeping the memories of my UK trip in my heart, I boarded the train for my hometown Bhopal… I fell into a deep sleep after the tiring jetlag on the way… but even then, the attraction of London remained in my dreams. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Let your name be the aim of your life : Letter on your Six Glorious Years "Tattwarth"

Firs of all Happy 6th Birthday, Dear Tattwarth,

After the letter written on your birth and first birthday, now after about 5 years, I am once again saying something through this letter... I know you will be able to understand all this only after some time, but what is in my heart right now. I want to tell him right now.

I had written the earlier two letters in my own language "Hindi", now I am writing this letter in English, a language which has become relatively easy for your times, but the words and emotions of the heart are the same in every language. 

Today marks a special day, a day filled with joy, laughter, and love—your 6th birthday! As I sit down to write this letter to you, my heart swells with emotions that are hard to put into words. Six years ago, you came into our lives like a burst of sunshine, filling every moment with happiness and wonder.

Watching you grow and learn has been the greatest gift of all. From your first steps to your curious questions about the world around you, every milestone has been a testament to your incredible spirit. You have a way of brightening even the darkest days with your infectious laughter and boundless energy.

As you turn six, I want you to know how immensely proud I am of the person you are becoming. You are kind, compassionate, and brave beyond measure. Your imagination knows no bounds, and sometimes I am amazed by the worlds you create and the stories you tell. Yes, there are some foolishness, devilishness and weaknesses in your personality, but I hope that one day by moving forward in life and learning, you will remove them and become a person with a strong, capable and meaningful personality. 

On this special day, I want to remind you of a few things:

1. You Are Loved: You are surrounded by love from your family and friends. Remember that you are never alone, and we are always here for you, cheering you on every step of the way. But keep one more thing in mind, whatever we have got in this life, do not take it for granted. For this, the good deeds of the previous birth have a big contribution, hence it is important that in this life, instead of having a materialistic mindset, try to find something meaningful and make life successful.

2. Dream Big:
Let your dreams soar high, my dear. Whether you want to be an astronaut, a scientist, or a superhero, believe in yourself and never give up on your dreams. Whatever you achieve in your professional life can be achieved only for a certain time, but the purpose of this life is not just to achieve something in this world but to make your journey successful for upcoming life also called next bhava. Because the life of the soul is not limited to just this one existence, it is an infinite journey and understand that one has been born only to stop this journey. Just understand that life becomes successful only when you attain self-realization, otherwise you have not done anything new or amazing.

3. Embrace Challenges: Life is full of challenges, but I know you are strong enough to face them with courage and determination. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. The obstacles of life are not the truth of life, but our life is reflected in reality only by how we move forward with mental and spiritual strength after facing those obstacles. You will get this spiritual strength through philosophical reflection, purity of character and constant reading of good books, study of scriptures written by nyani's, 

4. Cherish Moments:
Time flies by so quickly, but it's the moments we spend together that are truly precious. Treasure every hug, every laugh, and every adventure we share.Do not run for big things but learn to be satisfy and happy with small things and available resources. The desire to increase luxury is an endless race, therefore if you learn the art of adjusting your needs and desires instead of increasing wealth, you will achieve everything.

What else can I say, actually I am still learning and I would like for you too to always keep the desire to keep learning alive within you. Don't be egoistic, don't give up gratitude, keep your sensitivities alive and know your true interoduction/your aatm-swaroop, this is what I wish for you. I also know that how you will become depends on destiny or the time machine/Kal-labdhi. I am not their doer because results do not happen as per desires. But whatever good feelings I can have for you, I wish you only the best.

You should understand the meaning of your name and make it meaningful. Tattwarth/Tattvarth means the true nature of living beings and non-living things, the real understanding of the world and oneself. Understanding and faith in Tattvartha is called Samyak Darshan. In reality, the entire world is contained in Tattvarth and there is nothing in the world outside Tattvarth, in such a situation, knowledge of Tattvarth means getting the right vision to see this world.

I would like that along with you, you should also take your sister Anavadya forward on this religious/spritual path, and also contribute in making every person's life around you happy and meaningful.

Happy 6th birthday, Tattwarth. May this year be filled with love, laughter, knowledge and endless adventures.

-Your Papa.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Namste London : A Journey Through Time and Culture (Part-1)

Traveling always proves to educate you more than any book. This is a lively medium of acquiring knowledge and experience. I got a chance to go on one such trip last year when I closely observed London, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and some other cities of the UK also. Although it has been almost a year since this happened, but now if you think about it, it seems as if it happened just yesterday. So let's start the story of this beautiful journey-

Although this journey had started from 12th April, but actually the excitement of this journey started in the last days of January 2023 when I received a message from the SOAS department of the University of London asking me to send a research paper. This message was from Peter Flugel, Head of SOAS, who had requested me to send a research paper focused on Jain saint Acharya Taran Swami.

Suddenly a desire arose in my heart that perhaps there might be an opportunity to present this research paper in a seminar of University of London, hence it should be prepared with full hard work and dedication. When I prepared that research paper and sent it to Mr. Peter Flugel, he considered it worthy of presentation in the seminar and recommended me to the organizing committee and somehow I got the slot to present it in the seminar. In this work, I got help from many people direct and indirectly.

In this way, after it was confirmed that I would go to London, my rush to get my passport and visa started. With less time and it being my first time to go out of the country, it became quite difficult to manage everything. But finally, after a lot of struggle, everything became clear, now that the possibility of my first foreign trip was ready, fate was also working in the same way.

Finally, on 12th April, the journey from Bhopal to Delhi and then from Delhi to London started. Meanwhile, there was also a stop of a few hours in Istanbul, so there was a lot of excitement that after landing on the soil of two countries, there would be a chance to understand it to some extent. My companion in this journey was Achyutkant, who was a student of the same Todarmal Jain Siddhant Mahavidyalaya from where I have acquired knowledge. Many friends, family and acquaintances bid an emotional farewell to this trip to London.

On the morning of 13th April, we first reached Istanbul by IndiGo flight and after a layover of about 3 hours there, we reached London's Heathrow Airport at around 5 pm. As soon as we came out of Heathrow Airport, we were welcomed by the cold winds coming from the North Pole, which we were not used to, hence these winds seemed a bit cold.

My acquaintances Richa Di and Gaurav ji had come to receive me at Heathrow, at whose house I was to stay in Langley for the next few days. Achyut left Heathrow to Greater London for his hotel. I had to meet Achyut in Greater London to go to SOAS the next day. 

After having dinner on the 13th and falling asleep very quickly due to jetlag, the next morning I left Langley by tube (train) for Russell Square. As I stepped onto the bustling streets of London, I was immediately enveloped in the city's vibrant energy and rich history. After handing over some essential items brought from India to Peter Flugel at SOAS, Achyut and I set out to explore the streets around London.

Our journey began with a visit to the iconic Tower of London, where the ancient walls echoed with tales of kings and queens, knights and prisoners. Walking through the Crown Jewels exhibition, I marveled at the dazzling treasures that symbolized centuries of royal splendor.The attractive buildings and beautiful bridges built on the banks of the River Thames were creating quite an attractive sight. London's iconic landmarks, including the majestic Tower Bridge, the modern marvel of the Shard were amazed us.

Notting Hill's colorful streets and charming cafés provided a picturesque backdrop for leisurely walks and moments of reflection. The Portobello Road Market was a sensory delight, with its array of antiques, books, and quirky finds. London evenings are quite happening, the performances of street singers outside the railway stations and on the streets make you say wow.

After exploring many places around Tower Bridge on 14th April, we had to devote all our time to our conference on 15th-16th April. My presentation was on the 16th so there was some nervousness, we spent most of the next two days in the SOAS conference hall. Where I got an opportunity to listen to the knowledge and experience of many international speakers.

My presentation took place on 16th April, which was much better than I expected and was appreciated by the people. After this presentation, now I had enough time to just explore London and some other places in UK which I could enjoy without any stress. On the evening of 16th we reached Herro to meet some of our friends and acquaintances. Where we met my senior friend Saurabh ji, Kajal Bhabhi and the friendly Hetal Ben and Milap Bhai who took care of me in London. We also visited the Jain temple at Harrow, which is a major Jain center of London established in the Prabhavana Yoga of Gurudev Kanji Swami.

Next Day, We ventured to Buckingham Palace, where the majestic Changing of the Guard ceremony unfolded before my eyes. Exploring the British Museum was a journey through time and civilizations. While walking on the streets of London, Achyut and I enjoyed beautiful buildings and locations like Big Ban, National Gallery, St. Paul's Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, London Eye, Parliament Square etc. 

Achyut had to return to India the next day, so this was the last day to visit London together. I had also planned to go to my cousin's house in Banbury the next day and I also wanted to visit Oxford and Birmingham in the next few days, so we explored the locations of London till late night. Due to it being late in the night, I also forgot that the frequency of trains reduces late on weekend night, so I hardly changed many trains that night and reached Langley at 1.30 in the night. For this, I got a little rebuke from Gaurav ji and Richa di and also got advice to be cautious in this unknown country.

The next day I left for Banbury with some of my important things, now I just had to come to London to take a flight to India at the end of my UK trip. Therefore, most of the belongings were left at Richa Di's house in Langley. I had to catch the train to Banbury from London Marlybone station which is near Saurabh ji and Kajal Bhabhi's house in Harrow. Therefore, the next night I stayed with Achyut at Saurabh ji's house, the next day Achyut left for India and I left for Banbery.

As my London adventure drew to a close, I reflected on the city's timeless allure and cultural richness. Each moment was a chapter in a captivating story, weaving together the past, present, and future of this dynamic metropolis. London had captured my heart, leaving me with cherished memories and a longing to return to its embrace.

I'll be back with some memories of Oxford, Birmingham and Banbury in my next blog, that's all for now....

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Mission Kashmir : Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Kashmir.

Traveling offers opportunities for relaxation, rejuvenation, and stress relief. Exploring new places, engaging in leisure activities, and disconnecting from daily routines can improve mental well-being and enhance overall quality of life.

Recently, I also got a chance to visit the heaven on earth, Kashmir, with my family. This was my first trip to a hill station with my children. Therefore, there was some concern about the health of the children but it was good that the children adjusted well to the climate of Kashmir during the trip.

Left for Jammu

So in this way we left for Jammu on 19 March 2024 by Jhelum Express from Bhopal. Along with me, my wife Nirjara, my son Tattvarth and daughter Anavadya, as well as my friend Vivek, his wife Nikita and son Nirgranth set out on this journey. Our journey to this heaven on earth started after reaching Jammu on 20th March. The pleasant weather, beautiful valleys, long road tunnels were surprising us.

Traveling about nine hours from Jammu, capturing the beautiful locations in our cameras and sharing them by making reels on Instagram, WhatsApp, we reached Pahalgam at around 9 pm the same day.

 Day 1: 21 March

Our first stop of the journey was Pahalgam where we stayed at Hotel Mountain Peak, the location of this hotel surrounded by beautiful valleys made us say wow. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the breathtaking view of the snow-capped Himalayas. The crisp mountain air welcomed us as we landed, and we immediately felt the serene charm of Kashmir. Pahalgam beckoned us with its scenic beauty and serene ambiance. We strolled along the Lidder River, surrounded by pine forests and meadows dotted with colorful wildflowers. The Betaab Valley, named after the Bollywood film "Betaab" shot there, was a highlight with its crystal-clear streams and towering mountains. Our adventure continued as we embarked on a trek to the Aru Valley, passing through quaint villages and lush landscapes. The pristine beauty of the valley, with its meandering rivers and alpine meadows, left us speechless. We also visited the Chandanwari, the starting point for the Amarnath Yatra pilgrimage, immersing ourselves in the spiritual aura of the place. 

Day 2: 22 March

We were surprised to know that at the time when we were on Kashmir tour, some of our acquaintances and other friends had also gone on Kashmir tour, among them we unexpectedly met one of our very special friends, Akatva, on 22nd March we celebrated Akatva's birthday together. Also celebrated. After Pahalgam we reached our next stop Srinagar. In Srinagar we stayed at Hotel Velmont. On 22nd March we enjoyed the local sightseeing scene of Srinagar, visited some gardens and enjoyed a shikara (traditional wooden boat) ride in Dal Lake.

Day 3: 23 March

Our journey took us to Gulmarg, known as the "Meadow of Flowers." The gondola ride to Kongdori provided us with unparalleled views of the surrounding snow-clad peaks, and we indulged in exhilarating activities like skiing and snowboarding. The lush green meadows of Gulmarg were a stark contrast to the snowy slopes, creating a picturesque landscape. In Gulmarg, my son Tattwarth, daughter Anavadya and my friend's son Nirgranth made many attractive snow figures and the children had a lot of fun on the snow covered land and mountains.

In Evening we spent leisurely exploring the local markets of Srinagar, Lal Chauk etc where we indulged in shopping for exquisite Pashmina shawls, intricate Kashmiri handicrafts, and aromatic spices etc. 

Day 4 : 24 March

After checking out from Velmont Hotel, Srinagar, we left for Sonamarg for the next leg of our journey. Nestled in the heart of the picturesque Kashmir Valley, Sonamarg is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered by adventurous souls seeking natural beauty and tranquility. Translating to "Meadow of Gold" in Kashmiri, Sonamarg lives up to its name with its golden meadows, pristine rivers, and majestic snow-capped mountains.

Our journey begins with a scenic drive from Srinagar, winding through lush green valleys and quaint villages. As we approach Sonamarg, the air becomes crisper, and the landscape transforms into a postcard-perfect scene. Upon arrival, we check into a cozy guesthouse surrounded by pine forests and overlooking the roaring Sindh River. 

After returning from Sonamarg, we stayed at the famous Boat House of Srinagar on the same evening. The experience of a boat house gives a very royal feel. These boat houses are 100 to 150 years old where you get to see many antique items. After fatigue, staying at the boat house amidst the waves of Dal Lake is quite relaxing.

Day 5:

On 25th March, after checking out from the boat house in the morning, we set out to see some more unexplored places of Srinagar. We set out early to explore the iconic Shankaracharya Temple perched atop a hill, offering panoramic views of Srinagar city and the Dal Lake below. Later in the day, we visited the Mughal Gardens, with their meticulously manicured lawns, vibrant flowerbeds, and ancient chinar trees. Tulip garden and Shalimar Bagh left us in awe of their grandeur and historical significance. 

After this, having lunch at around 2 pm, we left for Jammu in our Toyota car from where we had to catch Jhelum Express back to Bhopal. During the journey, instead of eating too much outside, we gave priority to eating breakfast brought from home and food items prepared by ourselves on the spot.

As we bid farewell to Kashmir, we carried with us memories of a lifetime—the majestic mountains, serene lakes, lush valleys, and warm hospitality of the Kashmiri people. Kashmir truly is a paradise on earth, a destination that captivates the soul and leaves an indelible mark on the heart.

Back to Bhopal

We reached back to Bhopal around 5 am on the 27th. Since the train was late by about 5 hours, instead of reaching our destination late at night, we landed at Bhopal early in the morning.

Of course, we spend some money while travelling, but the memories associated with these journeys have no value, those priceless memories are what we gain from these journeys.